Wednesday, April 8, 2009



recessions suck. no jobs to be had in the town that i chose to start my adventure in.
plenty of sweet time hanging out with family tho. my sister and brother in law are some of the easiest most generous folks to live with. its gonna suck if i have to leave. but thats all part and parcel i guess.
maybe on to tennessee to become a tattoo artist (not kidding)
maybe on to oklahoma to work at chilis, whatever that is.

who knows.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

fun at 'Grand Coffee'

so, the coffee shop where i do a bit of work and my sister works there, well, its not super busy yet. so sundays dont have too many customers. naturally, we bring dvd players, laptops, ipod touch's, books. anything to help the day go by. we took some photos too!we're dark about something. very dark.

coffee shop party! never seen so many people!
think avante garde folk 2 piece band.
think "trying desperately and failing to be" avante garde folk 2 piece band
eat your heart out twilight. this is where the real vampires are at.
met this lovely blonde girl. (dont know why this writing is blue. there is no link)
too much coffee? crystal meth? you decide.
decided yet?
ok. thought we better put a serious one in here :-)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

these be the lovely people i live with. my sister sarah and her husband david. they are pretty awesome. more photos to follow.

did this work?

I tried to upload a photo.

but... maybe it didnt work




I'm travelling. you can look at it here
